Statment of Faith: Simply stated, We believe:
1. The Bible, Which is verbally inspired by the Holy Spirit and
inerrant in the original manuscripts, is the infallible, complete
and authoritative Word of GOD.
2. There is one GOD who exists in three persons; Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit, called the Trinity.
3. There is an adversary, a being called Satan, or the Devil who is
god of the unsaved.
4. In the fall and lost estate of man, whose total depravity makes
necessary the new birth.
5. In the deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life,
death, and bodily resurrection, present exaltation at GOD's right
hand, and personal imminent return.
6. In the atonement by the substitutionary death and shed blood of
Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
7. In the Resurrection of the saved unto everlasting life and
blessing in Heaven, and the resurrection of the unsaved unto
everlasting punishment in Hell.
8. The Church, is the body or Bride of Christ, consisting of only
those who are born again, for whom He now makes intercession in
Heaven and for whom He shall come again.
9. Christ's commission to the Church to go into all the world and
preach the Gospel to all creation.
10. The Spirit-filled life is based upon a walk of obedience to the
Word and Will of God. The fruit of the Spirit within the life is
the evidence of spiritual maturity. We do not adhere nor believe
that the sign gifts are for the Church today. We reject the
teaching that speaking in tongues is proof of spirituality;
however, we believe that the Lord is able to heal and do miricles.
If you would like to make an offering to the church, You can just write a check and send it to:
Upper Valley Bible Church
825 West 4th North
St. Anthony, ID 83445
If you would like to send an email to the church or someone in the church, Use this email: